Travel tickets - Arriva Italia - Bergamo
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Travel tickets

Arriva Italia travel tickets can be purchased at ticket offices and authorized resellers; the list is available at this link.

Travel tickets can also be purchased through the Arriva MyPay app. Download it now:

Travel tickets subject to validation (single journey, weekly passes) must be validated as soon as you get on board; in case of malfunction of the validator, the traveler is required to immediately notify the driver by presenting the travel document at the same time.

Weekly and monthly passes are valid only if combined with a personal identification card, the number and week / month of validity of which must be shown on the subscription by the resale.
The monthly pass is NOT subject to validation and must always be accompanied and shown together with a valid personal identification card.
The weekly pass must be validated on the first trip and must always be accompanied and shown together with a valid personal identification card.

Travelers in possession of season tickets or Regional Transport Cards issued by the Regions or documents of free circulation, upon boarding the bus, must show the driver the travel document.

Travelers are required to show the travel document at each check carried out by the staff. If you are not in possession of the document or if the latter is irregular, travelers will incur the payment of an administrative penalty determined in accordance with the current provisions of the law.

This sanction is also applied in the event that the passenger is unable to show, at the same time as the season ticket, their identification card and / or when the card number has not been, as expected, reported in the season ticket.

The company reserves the right to take any legal action against travelers in possession of altered or inauthentic travel documents.

For more information visit the sanctions page at this link.

Travelers with IVOP / IVOL cards must keep the receipt (or photocopy) of the receipt or top-up made, for any visual checks.

All travel documents perform the function of fiscal receipt and therefore must be kept intact for the entire duration of the trip, on descent and in the immediate vicinity, in order to allow for any fiscal checks by the ascertaining bodies. These checks can be carried out both on board the vehicle and in the immediate vicinity of the stop locations.


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